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Living off a prayer

  Hands up if you've seen your prayers answered before...? Hands up if you haven't...? It’s so wonderful when God answers our prayers, especially when it lines up with our desires. Oh what a feeling! The Lord heard my cry and he answered!  But what about when he doesn't answer our prayer?  Where's my future wife/husband? Why haven't I got that promotion? Why am I facing constant financial difficulty? Why am I still sick? To name but a few. As a follower of Jesus this is a real conundrum.  Maybe it’s my lack of faith. Maybe I didn't say the right words. Maybe my timing was off?  The more common desires of life that we pray for: The spouse, the financial security, the job fulfilment, the healing of sickness. I've seen many Christians just live with these prayers not being answered. Not give up necessarily. But just get on with it. Don't get me wrong. There's often a fair bit of Israelites in the desert-esque grumbling. We're all guilty of that. But...

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